Drinks, For Health, Just Desserts, Recipes Index
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Spiced. Pistachio. Chilled. Latte


Don’t worry, you read it correctly. I didn’t think I would see these words all in the same sentence either. But it’s real: Pistachio Milk is the next big thing following Almond, Oat and Rice as substitutes to dairy milk. Its one of my favourite’s to add to cereals, porridges or just to enjoy on its own. I find that it also lends itself to exotic flavours more than other whole nuts, partly because of its earthy green, yellowy, brown colour and also because it crops up in some many East Indian recipes both savoury and sweet.

I also love a good latte, especially Chai Latte’s and so creating this recipe with Pistachio’s is really a play on the flavours and spices of Chai tea. I served this chilled and as mentioned in my previous post, try to soak the nuts for at least 6 hours or more, the longer you soak them, the silkier the taste. Enjoy!

Spiced Pistachio Latte

  • Servings: 2-3
  • Difficulty: easy
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3/4 cup of Pistachio Nuts (soaked for at least 6 hours and drained)

2 cups of Almond Milk (sweetened)

1 tsp of Vanilla Essence

1 tsp of Almond Essence

4 Cardamom Pods - crushed

1/2 Cinnamon Stick

1/2 tsp red peppercorns (crushed)

Pinch of Sugar (to taste)



Pour all the ingredients accept the nuts into a saucepan and simmer for 3 minutes or until it begins to boil slowly. Then take off the fire and allow it to cool down (in the spices) for at least 10 minutes or until cool.

Take the milk and pour it in a blender with the nuts, removing the cinnamon stick. Blend the mixture until smooth. Then with a tea strainer, strain the milk into a mason jar to remove all the shells and pulp. Seal the jar and store in the fridge until you are ready to serve it.

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