All posts tagged: mayonaise

Black Garlic Aioli w/ Parmesan Balsamic Roasted Cauli’s

So this packet of black garlic sat at the back of my cupboard for the longest while. I would shift it around, pick it up and put it down. I was afraid to open it and start the process of probing, tasting and experimenting. But eventually I got the confidence to read the blurb on the package; It reads: “Black garlic is sweet meets savory, a perfect mix of molasses-like richness and tangy garlic undertones. It has a tender, almost jelly-like texture with a melt-in-your-mouth consistency similar to a soft dried fruit. Hard to believe, but true. It’s as delicious as it …

Spring Salad Series: Courgette Spaghetti w/ Avocado Cream

  For the final instalment of the Spring Salad Series, I thought I should share with you one of the newest members to the salad group. I think we can safely say that the juicy tomato and cool cucumber have held this section up pretty well; they have taken us through some tough times and have survived many a drought, reinventing themselves to suit our new tastes (from the greek salad to the mexican salsa). But alas, the spotlight is growing dim on the celebrated duo, make room for the crunchy courgette! Courgette’s are hugely versatile especially when sliced with a Julienne peeler to make ‘spaghetti’. It really does resemble spaghetti firstly in its texture (when drizzled with lemon juice which I think helps loosen it up so it can twirl around your fork) and its ability to absorb all the flavours you throw at it. Here I have made an avocado mayo and tossed in some candied walnuts. You can experiment with all kinds of flavours: try making a tomato salsa to resemble spaghetti …